April Registration To order Иoir Restaurant Catering Services, please complete the form below Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.IMPORTANT : To enhance the efficiency of our services, we have decided to revise our meal distribution process. Going forward, the option to choose a menu during the ordering process on our website is no longer available. Instead, two menu options (Option 1 and Option 2) will be offered each day. The selection of these options will be possible only at the time of meal distribution. Parent / Teacher InformationNamePlease enter a valid phone number *E-mail AddressWhich service do you want to register for? *I am a parent, I want to register a studentI am a parent, I want to register a studentI am a teacherStudent InformationStudent Name *FirstLastAllergiesStudent Level Class *Please choosePlease chooseKindergartenPrimarySecondaryStudent Specific Class *Please choosePlease chooseCPCE1CE2CM1CM2Student Specific Class *6eme6eme5eme4eme3eme2nde1ereTerminaleService RegistrationService Type SelectedMeal Price Kindergarten 1 Meal - Kindergarten - ₦4.000,00 Meal Price Primary 1 Meal - Primary - ₦6.000,00 Meal Price Secondary (Collège) 1 Meal - Secondary (Collège) - ₦7.000,00 Meal Price Secondary (Lycée) 1 Meal - Secondary (Lycée) - ₦8.000,00 Meal Price Teacher 1 Meal - Teacher - ₦8.000,00 Meal Price 0 Meal Price - ₦0,00 How do you want to register ? *I want to select all the days for September monthI want to select all the days for September monthI want to select days by days for September monthPlease select the days of the service Mon-02 Mon-02 Tue-03 Tue-03 Wed-04 Wed-04 Thu-05 Thu-05 Fri-06 Fri-06 Mon-09 Mon-09 Tue-10 Tue-10 Wed-11 Wed-11 Thu-12 Thu-12 Fri-13 Fri-13 Mon-16 Mon-16 Tue-17 Tue-17 Wed-18 Wed-18 Thu-19 Thu-19 Fri-20 Fri-20 Mon-23 Mon-23 Tue-24 Tue-24 Wed-25 Wed-25 Thu-26 Thu-26 Fri-27 Fri-27 Mon-30 Mon-30 October Month October All days Every day of the month selected Number of days selectedTotal AmountPricePrice: ₦0,00Meal Price / Day - KindergartenPrice: ₦4.000,00Meal Price / Day - PrimaryPrice: ₦6.000,00Meal Price / Day - TeacherPrice: ₦8.000,00Meal Price / Day - Secondary (Collège)Price: ₦7.000,00Meal Price / Day - Secondary (Lycée)Price: ₦8.000,00Number of daysPayment Payment transfer must be sent to: Grace HSC Delicatessen 5400929696 PROVIDUS Bank Kindly send proof of payment to info@noirrestaurant-catering.com Please mention Order N°, student name, student class Payment transfer must be sent to: Grace HSC Delicatessen 5400929696 PROVIDUS Bank Kindly send proof of payment to info@noirrestaurant-catering.com Please mention Order N° and Name Certification *I hereby certify that the information given above is accurate and complete.Submit Registrations for the month of November are now closed. You must be CONNECTED to order Иoir Catering Services.